Monday, November 9, 2009


From the video, I understand that convergence culture is described as the kinds of technological and economic changes which influence the media content in different technologies. It describes the new ways that audiences are engaging with and making sense of the new forms.

He explains how an implication of YouTube can be misleading, no one knew that YouTube would have this effect on the community through social networks. However, he says that you can view videos on several things, including videos teaching sign language. Jenkins quotes, "I explore how the knowledge culture of fandom is transformed throught the use of networked communications and how the new media alter reader's relations to texts, to media producers, and to each other. I trace various ways that the media industries are responding to the challenges of a more participatory culture."

I think schools are limiting kids' access by blocking a lot of what could be useful websites. I mostly agree because kids' do abuse the privledge of the internet. But on the other hand, it limits them to finding much more interesting sites and introducing them to new ideas.

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