Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Final, Portfolio

Please click the portfolio to the right to view my portfolio.

Blog about Blogging

I think that the blogging activity was pretty cool. Sometimes its easier to share thoughts by writing and I think the kids enjoy the online time. Some of my concerns would be what they are doing with their time online, I think it would have to be closely modified. I beleive I would use something like this in my classroom. Children not only love attention but love getting mail. While this isn't a mailbox, they can receive comments which can be checked daily, Im sure they get so excited when they see that "new comments!" button.

Games for Learning?

Gee thinks that gameing is an advancement to learning and techniques. By interaction through gameing, he believes children will learn more, experience different identities or roles, which can eventually become motivators for new learning lessons in classrooms and workplaces.

I think that if you allowed children to participate in gameing as a useful learning technique you would have to take a few different factors into place. Not only observe each individual student, but make sure they are following the lesson beyond "beating the game". I loved computer games as a kid, but I think it also takes away from the teacher. Rather than staring at a computer screen, we played games like jeopardy. that was interactive and made us think we were really on a game show. Not just a new character on a game.

I really think it all depends on how it is used in the classroom.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ideas for Presentations

I am going to do a presentation on exercising. I found a few resources on Slide Share and on YouTube.

A few of those links...

  1. Activity and Exercise
  2. Yoga Exercise
  3. Aerobic Exercise

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Scratch Modifications

My new Scratch project can be found here.
I picked a complex Scratch Game, so I had trouble changing some of the technical stuff, however I was able to change background colors, some text, and I changed the end background screen.

Monday, November 9, 2009


From the video, I understand that convergence culture is described as the kinds of technological and economic changes which influence the media content in different technologies. It describes the new ways that audiences are engaging with and making sense of the new forms.

He explains how an implication of YouTube can be misleading, no one knew that YouTube would have this effect on the community through social networks. However, he says that you can view videos on several things, including videos teaching sign language. Jenkins quotes, "I explore how the knowledge culture of fandom is transformed throught the use of networked communications and how the new media alter reader's relations to texts, to media producers, and to each other. I trace various ways that the media industries are responding to the challenges of a more participatory culture."

I think schools are limiting kids' access by blocking a lot of what could be useful websites. I mostly agree because kids' do abuse the privledge of the internet. But on the other hand, it limits them to finding much more interesting sites and introducing them to new ideas.