Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blogs helpful?

While I was reading "The Joy of Blogging", I remembered how I felt when I would get out of classes in high school and the first thing I would do is turn on my phone and check for new text messages. If blogging can make a kid want to do that same thing, for his/her blog, I would say its definitely a productive way of learning. Anne and Ewa have noted strategies for successful blogging, where students can improve their reading, writing, and communication skills.

I believe if I learned how to blog correctly, I would use it in my classroom. I would try to create learning experiences that use online tools, (as I am being taught also), and use many references that link to creativity and thinking. I think blogging would make students eager to learn. Children love the web and browsing, they can be learning without realizing it.

After class correction..
I misunderstood the assisgnment. After reading a new blog, I found this instructional site let parents access and see what their children have been doing. She published dates and events that parents could always access. Kids tend to leave behind, or lose papers, this way is very neat in the fact that children not only can say "hey, I did such and such today", but actually show them online. Click here to view Mrs. Bradley's Class blog.

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